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 Neuer Server Saturn / Bannliste

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Anzahl der Beiträge : 15
Anmeldedatum : 31.10.07

Neuer Server Saturn / Bannliste Empty
BeitragThema: Neuer Server Saturn / Bannliste   Neuer Server Saturn / Bannliste Icon_minitimeDi Nov 06, 2007 3:06 pm

Hello. This is Silkroad Online.

Silkroad's 25th server, Saturn, has opened on November 6th 2007 Silkroad Standard Time.

Server Name : Saturn
Open Date : 11/06/2007 16:30 Silkroad Standard Time

We hope you welcome this new server to the Silkroad Online community and enjoy the new experiences there.

Hello. This is Silkroad Online.

Halloween with Silkroad Online!

Halloween Event which occurs from November 06th to November 20th is announced below.

[Event Procedure]
- Jewelry box Event will be proceeded automatically when you log in after the weekly inspection on November 6th.
- Defeat monsters and jewelry box will be dropped randomly.
- Bring the jewelry box to NPC So-ok and she'll exchange it for a gift. Gift will be given in random.
- Jewelry box can be exchanged for gifts without limit in numbers during the Event period.

Hello. This is Silkroad Online.

We apologize to our users for the delay in posting our latest massive bot list. The process of arranging the list has taken more time than we had expected. However, we are now done sorting the list, and the bot list will be posted more often.

The bot list of 17 servers has been posted, and can be found under User violation/Bug Abusers in our Forum section. Another Bot list will be coming soon.

Our war with the bots continues...
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Neuer Server Saturn / Bannliste
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